10 Posts by: David Kantor
Is it important to learn cloud computing? Short answer, yes!
Read MoreHow Hard Is It To Land Your First Job? Well this will depend on a lot of factors but in general the short answer is hard! But it doesn't…
Read MoreShould JavaScript Be Your First Coding Langauge? I Know, I know, CSS and HTML can be considered a scripting language but for the sake of not…
Read MoreIs that how the saying goes? CSS is one of those thechnologies that get's a bad wrap, somewhat justifiable but I would wager that most who…
Read MoreNever coded before? That's ok! Start super simple, start with HTML5! Sure, many will tell you HTML or CSS are not coding langauges, and here…
Read MoreHow important is version control? I first was introduced to github in 2011, prior to this I did what anyone would do, save every change to a…
Read MoreWhat do I use as a computer? Kind of a silly question but for some time this was important to me. Not so much the hardware but the operating…
Read MoreThe first code I ever wrote... thats a tough one as it's hard to say what consists of coding, but I would say it was somewhere around 200…
Read MoreWelcome to my blog! Nice to meet you all! This is my first post so let me introduce myself. I have been a life long technology fan but have…
Read MoreDavid has been a life long student and teacher, always ready to help out!