Basic JavaScript
Should JavaScript Be Your First Coding Langauge?
I Know, I know, CSS and HTML can be considered a scripting language but for the sake of not wanting to argue semantics lets ignore that debate. JavaScript on the other hand is absolutely a coding language and it is ubiquitous in the web. But what if you don't see yourself as a web developer, should you bother to learn it? I'd argue yes. Javascript is flexible, easy to read and easy to learn. It can be used on the client side (front-end) or as a server side (back-end) language thanks to node.js. So this means learning this one language can allow you to learn a large swath of skills that will be benifitial no matter your area of expeertise.
Some Quick History
Back in the 90's the web was made up of mostly static websites and lacked a ton of the functionality that exists today.
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David has been a life long student and teacher, always ready to help out!