First Post! - Intoduction

May 28th 2020by David Kantor

Welcome to my blog! Nice to meet you all! This is my first post so let me introduce myself.

I have been a life long technology fan but have recently decided to turn my passion into my carrer. Iv'e spent most of my adult life in the automotive industry, while I enjoyed it and the pay was fine I was never truly happy. A few friends of mine, who are software developers, were constantly telling me to move fields and they just knew I would love it, so last year i took the plundge and... they were so right!

How I got here...

In 2019 I quit my jobspent 6 months in a fantastic bootcamp learning fullstack software development. This was tough, I had never been out of a job for this long as even while attending the U of MN full time i always kept a full time job. Lucky my wife and I thought ahead, saved money to pay for the schooling and a buffer while I focused on tech.

Finding a balance...

I spent coutless hours working after school and on weekends attempting to perfect my new skills. This was great and not in vein but I soon realized that even those in the field for decades could never fully know everything. So I told myself two things had to happen each day.

  • I need to learn something new
  • I need to enjoy my family

With this I stop stressing myself, I made sure to code daily, even when I wasn't told to I made sure I learned something new and took breaks to enjoy my wife and two daughters. I feel my productivity sky-rocketed along with my happiness! I'm a night owl and never needed a ton of sleep so even when busy throughout the day with my family I never miss a day of coding, even if its just a few hours before bed. From this I have learned a ton of new technologies and been able to implement them in various projects.

The purpose of this blog is both for me and for you. I wanted to learn how to make one from the ground up but I also want to share my experiences and hopefully help others along the way. I'll be documenting parts of my journey and pushing out tips as I see fit. If there is anything you want feel free to reach out to me or leave a comment bellow.

Happy Coding!

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David Kantor

David has been a life long student and teacher, always ready to help out!
